PING: Deco & Hillstrom -> Re: OT Ratzy Hole, Stop Posting To NNTP Groups You Moron
(too old to reply)
2005-11-30 01:44:59 UTC
Pardon the top post BUT I are a fargin physic:

19:28 PST
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
:Just wait, toyota.tard gets better. Soon he will nymshift and start
:froup snecking all while making posts into his toyota.tard froup
:telling everyone how he spanked everyone and drove off the torlls.

Close he did not nym shift.

30 minutes later posted to only the toyota.tard froup:
Where oh where is my beloved dosey the clown?
I that idiot still around? I would have thought he'd lost interest by now.
If he isn't the Center of the Universe, he usually leaves.
Let's see...he's prolly calling me Toyota Tard and pronouncing how
victorious he is in spanking me...all the while being totally ignored. Except
for his Clown Posse..but that's not fair. THOSE guys were TROLLS!
He also thinks that the fact I have a very good memory and can remember
little things he said is an indication he's 'under my skin'. LOL, I
just hapeen to be the victim of a nearly photgraphic memory;
nothing at all to do with his patetic little attempts. Trouble is, I
remember a LOT of little things a LOT of people have said, but he just has
to flatter himself by thinking he's 'special' (yeah, like Short Bus
As trolls go, these guys are pretty lame. They think Trolling is
making themselves look smart; problem is, they don't have the brains to
back themselves up. Notice I have removed the groups; notice that they'll
put them back in. They can't live without an audience. They have no idea
what a real troll act is. But, then again, the average intelligence of a
computer user gets lower and lower, and these guys are just living proof.
I'm bored now. These guys have No Brains, and get boring rather quickly,
spweing the same old crap over and over again like a broken record. It's
just not as fun as the Good Old Days, when there were some REAL Trolls
around to spar with. Just like everything else, nothing is as good as it
used to be...
The one I really 'miss' is 'Jason'. He'd have these guys giving themselves
frontal lobotomies with Bic pens.
And then they graduated from College...
I do have to say as self congratulatory post for being smacked
senseless by multiple poasters, it is well done.
Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker - May, 2005

Hammer of Thor - July, 2005

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus) on 10-22-2005
Message-Id: <***@dformosa.zeta.org.au>
"But it is not isolated AUK has a massive impact the rest of usenet."

dave hillstrom
2005-11-30 02:18:50 UTC
On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 17:44:59 -0800, in alt.usenet.kooks,
Post by Aratzio
19:28 PST
:Just wait, toyota.tard gets better. Soon he will nymshift and start
:froup snecking all while making posts into his toyota.tard froup
:telling everyone how he spanked everyone and drove off the torlls.
Close he did not nym shift.
Where oh where is my beloved dosey the clown?
I that idiot still around? I would have thought he'd lost interest by now.
If he isn't the Center of the Universe, he usually leaves.
Let's see...he's prolly calling me Toyota Tard and pronouncing how
victorious he is in spanking me...all the while being totally ignored. Except
for his Clown Posse..but that's not fair. THOSE guys were TROLLS!
He also thinks that the fact I have a very good memory and can remember
little things he said is an indication he's 'under my skin'. LOL, I
just hapeen to be the victim of a nearly photgraphic memory;
nothing at all to do with his patetic little attempts. Trouble is, I
remember a LOT of little things a LOT of people have said, but he just has
to flatter himself by thinking he's 'special' (yeah, like Short Bus
As trolls go, these guys are pretty lame. They think Trolling is
making themselves look smart; problem is, they don't have the brains to
back themselves up. Notice I have removed the groups; notice that they'll
put them back in. They can't live without an audience. They have no idea
what a real troll act is. But, then again, the average intelligence of a
computer user gets lower and lower, and these guys are just living proof.
I'm bored now. These guys have No Brains, and get boring rather quickly,
spweing the same old crap over and over again like a broken record. It's
just not as fun as the Good Old Days, when there were some REAL Trolls
around to spar with. Just like everything else, nothing is as good as it
used to be...
The one I really 'miss' is 'Jason'. He'd have these guys giving themselves
frontal lobotomies with Bic pens.
And then they graduated from College...
I do have to say as self congratulatory post for being smacked
senseless by multiple poasters, it is well done.
<golf clap>
dave hillstrom

Vote Dave Hillstrom for Whining Whinger in AUK November 2005

the belgians are STILL thieves. Heinous! alWaYs keePinG heR
locKed Up likE a Gor SLAVE GirL!!! NaStY, nAuGhTy BeLgIaNs!!!11!
2005-11-30 03:49:16 UTC
Post by dave hillstrom
On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 17:44:59 -0800, in alt.usenet.kooks,
Post by Aratzio
19:28 PST
:Just wait, toyota.tard gets better. Soon he will nymshift and start
:froup snecking all while making posts into his toyota.tard froup
:telling everyone how he spanked everyone and drove off the torlls.
Close he did not nym shift.
Where oh where is my beloved dosey the clown?
I that idiot still around? I would have thought he'd lost interest by now.
If he isn't the Center of the Universe, he usually leaves.
Let's see...he's prolly calling me Toyota Tard and pronouncing how
victorious he is in spanking me...all the while being totally ignored. Except
for his Clown Posse..but that's not fair. THOSE guys were TROLLS!
He also thinks that the fact I have a very good memory and can remember
little things he said is an indication he's 'under my skin'. LOL, I
just hapeen to be the victim of a nearly photgraphic memory;
nothing at all to do with his patetic little attempts. Trouble is, I
remember a LOT of little things a LOT of people have said, but he just has
to flatter himself by thinking he's 'special' (yeah, like Short Bus
As trolls go, these guys are pretty lame. They think Trolling is
making themselves look smart; problem is, they don't have the brains to
back themselves up. Notice I have removed the groups; notice that they'll
put them back in. They can't live without an audience. They have no idea
what a real troll act is. But, then again, the average intelligence of a
computer user gets lower and lower, and these guys are just living proof.
I'm bored now. These guys have No Brains, and get boring rather quickly,
spweing the same old crap over and over again like a broken record. It's
just not as fun as the Good Old Days, when there were some REAL Trolls
around to spar with. Just like everything else, nothing is as good as it
used to be...
The one I really 'miss' is 'Jason'. He'd have these guys giving themselves
frontal lobotomies with Bic pens.
And then they graduated from College...
I do have to say as self congratulatory post for being smacked
senseless by multiple poasters, it is well done.
<golf clap>
Yeah...you guys couldn't smack the most retarded kid on the Short Bus
senseless...but do keep trying tho...the rest of us are having a good laff...
Hey! Watch the fun! <PLONK>
"You didn't plonk me..you keep resonding" What a bunch of morons!!!
Aratzio, Art Deco, and now TA DA! dave hillstrom...Legends in Their Own
Minds. Amazing what kids with V-Techs can do these days...
"I wasn't doing a full wheely k0okout last night, that was trollin',
really. I was too!"
Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker - May, 2005

Hammer of Thor - July, 2005

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus) on 10-22-2005
Message-Id: <***@dformosa.zeta.org.au>
"But it is not isolated AUK has a massive impact the rest of usenet."

Art Deco
2005-11-30 03:31:29 UTC
Post by Aratzio
19:28 PST
:Just wait, toyota.tard gets better. Soon he will nymshift and start
:froup snecking all while making posts into his toyota.tard froup
:telling everyone how he spanked everyone and drove off the torlls.
Close he did not nym shift.
Where oh where is my beloved dosey the clown?
I that idiot still around? I would have thought he'd lost interest by now.
If he isn't the Center of the Universe, he usually leaves.
Let's see...he's prolly calling me Toyota Tard and pronouncing how
victorious he is in spanking me...all the while being totally ignored. Except
for his Clown Posse..but that's not fair. THOSE guys were TROLLS!
He also thinks that the fact I have a very good memory and can remember
little things he said is an indication he's 'under my skin'. LOL, I
just hapeen to be the victim of a nearly photgraphic memory;
nothing at all to do with his patetic little attempts. Trouble is, I
remember a LOT of little things a LOT of people have said, but he just has
to flatter himself by thinking he's 'special' (yeah, like Short Bus
As trolls go, these guys are pretty lame. They think Trolling is
making themselves look smart; problem is, they don't have the brains to
back themselves up. Notice I have removed the groups; notice that they'll
put them back in. They can't live without an audience. They have no idea
what a real troll act is. But, then again, the average intelligence of a
computer user gets lower and lower, and these guys are just living proof.
I'm bored now. These guys have No Brains, and get boring rather quickly,
spweing the same old crap over and over again like a broken record. It's
just not as fun as the Good Old Days, when there were some REAL Trolls
around to spar with. Just like everything else, nothing is as good as it
used to be...
The one I really 'miss' is 'Jason'. He'd have these guys giving themselves
frontal lobotomies with Bic pens.
And then they graduated from College...
I do have to say as self congratulatory post for being smacked
senseless by multiple poasters, it is well done.
Heh, Spank is *smard*, victory is his.
Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler
Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in alt.astronomy

"The original human being was a female hermaphrodite with
both male and female genitalia."

"Human beings CAN NOT live in a solar system without a sun
with a ferrite core and a planet without a solid iron core."

-- Alexa Cameron, Kook of the Year 2004

"I am a sean being from another planet."
-- Darla aka Dr. Why aka Dr. Yubiwan aka Silouen aka ...