David Icke Newsletter - 19 october 2005
(too old to reply)
2005-10-21 23:08:47 UTC
OK, I go to the website and who is reading ? A few people : contrastiktion,
jimihedrex, >hUmAnOiD, 2tuff, A-Dubs, abhie, abhishek77, Accuracy,
Adramelech, adventuress, Alexander, altamash, amandakat, ances,
anders_lindman, andi, Ane, angle, Annushka, anti, anto8m, Any Day Now,
appin, Applecart, Art Is The Real Threat, astral, Atlas84, Aurora025, awake,
A_little_light, bardofely, BassClef, bbsunshine, Beautiful Medusa, Beetzart,
Begger, Belladonna, Belle du Jour, BigErn, bigottersdump, bilko9070,
Bitsablade, bleu, bluermonkey, Born, Braha_kahn, bteto, Bunnydancer,
burnice, Cade Foster, cadomniel, Calmer1973, cheemflo, Christophe,
Chris_com28, Ciggy, Cleft_Asunder, cleveron, CodemanV, ColdCash,
coolfighter, copro, Cosmos Mariner, Crake, crescent, d3v, daij, damion,
dave2012, davelove, Davinho, December 1983, die4truth, djmadscribbler,
DoubleJoy, DreamWalker, druidist, Dutch, Dux Ducis, Earthling, Edelweiss
Pirate, Energised, Enlightened Rogue, enlightenment, Eris, Esc Ctrl,
Etheric1, Farzin, faslimy, Fenriswulf, Fiber, flump, forceofzero, fotocon,
freedom, Frost, futsch, gideon, ginja, gjk, GoatboyHicks, Greefy,
gsmith5678, Guilty_Poet, Hagbard Celine, HasidRA, heron, homerdomer, hornet,
Hrafn, hunter666, I am I, i was blind now i can see, iain_ives, Ichabod
Crane, Ideologue, Indigo2012, InfiniteLove, Inter, inversemidas, iroboy,
jake shade, Jaycee, jodido, johamar, john, John 'The Quiet Man' Ruiz, John
White, Joy Division, juiced, justjeff24, JustMe, k-mac, Kadamose, Kallus,
koo, Kristian Lee, lemonseeder47, leroyshammer, Lewi, lizard, lokimotion,
Lorin, Lost one, LOST&CONFUSED, Lucid, LuckyDog, luckydognick, maat,
mahabarat, Marf, martiper, mason-free party, mattgibbs, meiers, Memphis
Mafia, metaltiger, molarz, monahawk, montyf, MrsCurtis, MX, nafenisr,
nagazaki, Napurenon, neutron flux, Newfreedom, neworderedworld, Nick77,
nightowl, Nolovelost, Nordic, O.T.O., ohthe laze1, one, OnEhIppY, one_of3,
pablo88, Pastor Steve, PeAcE, peter_thexton, phi_man, Pindar, planetfrog,
pleasuredome, pod77, Powerfan, prof, ptoner, QEIII, Quester,
Questioneverything, Quinn, quioxte, raginggran, Rainbow Aura, RastaMasta,
Ravell, ravenmoon3, Rayne, Reality's_Co.Builder, RealityCheck, real_raisins,
Reboot, reelroots, Reptillakilla, rick cheney, ron infinity, ronpeete,
rosswave, s banta, S-F 1000, saoirse, schizotype, SebFisher, Sensimillia,
shaman-ek, Shape, Shawn, shithappens, shivani, silversong, Silvio, Sir John
the Badjist, skyline, Smatrixe, smifenuf2, SoF, Solve et Coagula, Soma,
something funny..., sosconspiracy, SSG Sidious, Starglider, Stars,
STARWALKER, stinker&catfish, strange_days_uk, Sun'O'God, surreal, Take It In
Blood, taliesin, Tangerine Dream, techdude24, TermDefined, teslafire, The
Infinite One, The Valiant One, Them, Trinity, Trotafox, Twilighter,
uBerStuKa, UKDude, Uncle Elroy, usrt, Valis, vegetator, villagedianne,
Violet, wanderer, warhoon, weedsmoker, wesley_snipes, whoisit1998, Wonder
Woman, Yamguy, Zin-Uru... I mean, what are they interested in ? Is Icke
really a moron ? I dont think so. But MAYBE you are!
2005-10-22 03:15:34 UTC
Post by Michel
OK, I go to the website and who is reading ? A few people : contrastiktion,
jimihedrex, >hUmAnOiD, 2tuff, A-Dubs, abhie, abhishek77, Accuracy,
Adramelech, adventuress, Alexander, altamash, amandakat, ances,
anders_lindman, andi, Ane, angle, Annushka, anti, anto8m, Any Day Now,
appin, Applecart, Art Is The Real Threat, astral, Atlas84, Aurora025, awake,
A_little_light, bardofely, BassClef, bbsunshine, Beautiful Medusa, Beetzart,
Begger, Belladonna, Belle du Jour, BigErn, bigottersdump, bilko9070,
Bitsablade, bleu, bluermonkey, Born, Braha_kahn, bteto, Bunnydancer,
burnice, Cade Foster, cadomniel, Calmer1973, cheemflo, Christophe,
Chris_com28, Ciggy, Cleft_Asunder, cleveron, CodemanV, ColdCash,
coolfighter, copro, Cosmos Mariner, Crake, crescent, d3v, daij, damion,
dave2012, davelove, Davinho, December 1983, die4truth, djmadscribbler,
DoubleJoy, DreamWalker, druidist, Dutch, Dux Ducis, Earthling, Edelweiss
Pirate, Energised, Enlightened Rogue, enlightenment, Eris, Esc Ctrl,
Etheric1, Farzin, faslimy, Fenriswulf, Fiber, flump, forceofzero, fotocon,
freedom, Frost, futsch, gideon, ginja, gjk, GoatboyHicks, Greefy,
gsmith5678, Guilty_Poet, Hagbard Celine, HasidRA, heron, homerdomer, hornet,
Hrafn, hunter666, I am I, i was blind now i can see, iain_ives, Ichabod
Crane, Ideologue, Indigo2012, InfiniteLove, Inter, inversemidas, iroboy,
jake shade, Jaycee, jodido, johamar, john, John 'The Quiet Man' Ruiz, John
White, Joy Division, juiced, justjeff24, JustMe, k-mac, Kadamose, Kallus,
koo, Kristian Lee, lemonseeder47, leroyshammer, Lewi, lizard, lokimotion,
Lorin, Lost one, LOST&CONFUSED, Lucid, LuckyDog, luckydognick, maat,
mahabarat, Marf, martiper, mason-free party, mattgibbs, meiers, Memphis
Mafia, metaltiger, molarz, monahawk, montyf, MrsCurtis, MX, nafenisr,
nagazaki, Napurenon, neutron flux, Newfreedom, neworderedworld, Nick77,
nightowl, Nolovelost, Nordic, O.T.O., ohthe laze1, one, OnEhIppY, one_of3,
pablo88, Pastor Steve, PeAcE, peter_thexton, phi_man, Pindar, planetfrog,
pleasuredome, pod77, Powerfan, prof, ptoner, QEIII, Quester,
Questioneverything, Quinn, quioxte, raginggran, Rainbow Aura, RastaMasta,
Ravell, ravenmoon3, Rayne, Reality's_Co.Builder, RealityCheck, real_raisins,
Reboot, reelroots, Reptillakilla, rick cheney, ron infinity, ronpeete,
rosswave, s banta, S-F 1000, saoirse, schizotype, SebFisher, Sensimillia,
shaman-ek, Shape, Shawn, shithappens, shivani, silversong, Silvio, Sir John
the Badjist, skyline, Smatrixe, smifenuf2, SoF, Solve et Coagula, Soma,
something funny..., sosconspiracy, SSG Sidious, Starglider, Stars,
STARWALKER, stinker&catfish, strange_days_uk, Sun'O'God, surreal, Take It In
Blood, taliesin, Tangerine Dream, techdude24, TermDefined, teslafire, The
Infinite One, The Valiant One, Them, Trinity, Trotafox, Twilighter,
uBerStuKa, UKDude, Uncle Elroy, usrt, Valis, vegetator, villagedianne,
Violet, wanderer, warhoon, weedsmoker, wesley_snipes, whoisit1998, Wonder
Woman, Yamguy, Zin-Uru... I mean, what are they interested in ? Is Icke
really a moron ? I dont think so. But MAYBE you are!
And how many people do you think might be reading them for COMEDIC
VALUE?? After about 30 seconds into the first one, that's why a bunch of
us at work read them. Just to goof on them. Kind of a pretty small
number of people in there considering the amount of people with web

The stuff he spouts is pretty funny, but the fact that people actually
buy any of his whacked out stuff kind of scares me. But than again,
people believe in all kinds on non existent stuff anyway, so why should
I be surprised?

Who's a moron now? MAYBE you?

2005-10-22 13:47:23 UTC
Post by BDK
The stuff he spouts is pretty funny, but the fact that people actually
buy any of his whacked out stuff kind of scares me. But than again,
people believe in all kinds on non existent stuff anyway, so why should
I be surprised?
Who's a moron now? MAYBE you?
MAYBE... Not. Today's perception of the Universe is limited
by 'scientific' technological devices. So if you seriously think
there is nothing more than what you believe is 'real' well I'm
sorry to tell you that YOU ARE A MORON.
2005-10-23 02:49:28 UTC
Post by Michel
Post by BDK
The stuff he spouts is pretty funny, but the fact that people actually
buy any of his whacked out stuff kind of scares me. But than again,
people believe in all kinds on non existent stuff anyway, so why should
I be surprised?
Who's a moron now? MAYBE you?
MAYBE... Not. Today's perception of the Universe is limited
by 'scientific' technological devices. So if you seriously think
there is nothing more than what you believe is 'real' well I'm
sorry to tell you that YOU ARE A MORON.
Uh huh, tell it to the angels or whatever invisible things you believe



2005-10-23 02:47:08 UTC
Post by BDK
Post by Michel
OK, I go to the website and who is reading ? A few people : contrastiktion,
jimihedrex, >hUmAnOiD, 2tuff, A-Dubs, abhie, abhishek77, Accuracy,
Adramelech, adventuress, Alexander, altamash, amandakat, ances,
anders_lindman, andi, Ane, angle, Annushka, anti, anto8m, Any Day Now,
appin, Applecart, Art Is The Real Threat, astral, Atlas84, Aurora025, awake,
A_little_light, bardofely, BassClef, bbsunshine, Beautiful Medusa, Beetzart,
Begger, Belladonna, Belle du Jour, BigErn, bigottersdump, bilko9070,
Bitsablade, bleu, bluermonkey, Born, Braha_kahn, bteto, Bunnydancer,
burnice, Cade Foster, cadomniel, Calmer1973, cheemflo, Christophe,
Chris_com28, Ciggy, Cleft_Asunder, cleveron, CodemanV, ColdCash,
coolfighter, copro, Cosmos Mariner, Crake, crescent, d3v, daij, damion,
dave2012, davelove, Davinho, December 1983, die4truth, djmadscribbler,
DoubleJoy, DreamWalker, druidist, Dutch, Dux Ducis, Earthling, Edelweiss
Pirate, Energised, Enlightened Rogue, enlightenment, Eris, Esc Ctrl,
Etheric1, Farzin, faslimy, Fenriswulf, Fiber, flump, forceofzero, fotocon,
freedom, Frost, futsch, gideon, ginja, gjk, GoatboyHicks, Greefy,
gsmith5678, Guilty_Poet, Hagbard Celine, HasidRA, heron, homerdomer, hornet,
Hrafn, hunter666, I am I, i was blind now i can see, iain_ives, Ichabod
Crane, Ideologue, Indigo2012, InfiniteLove, Inter, inversemidas, iroboy,
jake shade, Jaycee, jodido, johamar, john, John 'The Quiet Man' Ruiz, John
White, Joy Division, juiced, justjeff24, JustMe, k-mac, Kadamose, Kallus,
koo, Kristian Lee, lemonseeder47, leroyshammer, Lewi, lizard, lokimotion,
Lorin, Lost one, LOST&CONFUSED, Lucid, LuckyDog, luckydognick, maat,
mahabarat, Marf, martiper, mason-free party, mattgibbs, meiers, Memphis
Mafia, metaltiger, molarz, monahawk, montyf, MrsCurtis, MX, nafenisr,
nagazaki, Napurenon, neutron flux, Newfreedom, neworderedworld, Nick77,
nightowl, Nolovelost, Nordic, O.T.O., ohthe laze1, one, OnEhIppY, one_of3,
pablo88, Pastor Steve, PeAcE, peter_thexton, phi_man, Pindar, planetfrog,
pleasuredome, pod77, Powerfan, prof, ptoner, QEIII, Quester,
Questioneverything, Quinn, quioxte, raginggran, Rainbow Aura, RastaMasta,
Ravell, ravenmoon3, Rayne, Reality's_Co.Builder, RealityCheck, real_raisins,
Reboot, reelroots, Reptillakilla, rick cheney, ron infinity, ronpeete,
rosswave, s banta, S-F 1000, saoirse, schizotype, SebFisher, Sensimillia,
shaman-ek, Shape, Shawn, shithappens, shivani, silversong, Silvio, Sir John
the Badjist, skyline, Smatrixe, smifenuf2, SoF, Solve et Coagula, Soma,
something funny..., sosconspiracy, SSG Sidious, Starglider, Stars,
STARWALKER, stinker&catfish, strange_days_uk, Sun'O'God, surreal, Take It In
Blood, taliesin, Tangerine Dream, techdude24, TermDefined, teslafire, The
Infinite One, The Valiant One, Them, Trinity, Trotafox, Twilighter,
uBerStuKa, UKDude, Uncle Elroy, usrt, Valis, vegetator, villagedianne,
Violet, wanderer, warhoon, weedsmoker, wesley_snipes, whoisit1998, Wonder
Woman, Yamguy, Zin-Uru... I mean, what are they interested in ? Is Icke
really a moron ? I dont think so. But MAYBE you are!
And how many people do you think might be reading them for COMEDIC
VALUE?? After about 30 seconds into the first one, that's why a bunch of
us at work read them. Just to goof on them. Kind of a pretty small
number of people in there considering the amount of people with web
The stuff he spouts is pretty funny, but the fact that people actually
buy any of his whacked out stuff kind of scares me. But than again,
people believe in all kinds on non existent stuff anyway, so why should
I be surprised?
Who's a moron now? MAYBE you?
LOL, I really messed that up when I edited it!

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