The 2-Belo
2007-03-12 07:33:16 UTC
On Mar 10, 7:40 pm, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"
Praying for satan's defeat is not gloating except from satan's
Moreover, Bob Pastorio's condition is not one arising from misfortune
but one arising from hatred's deleterious effects.
Your ego feeds on the suffering of others.
It remains my choice to continue to die to self in my ever closer walk
with Christ Jesus to become a new creature in HIM daily.
Does anyone here recall Chung ever praying for Satan's defeat?
Marana tha
Truth is simple.
I take that as a "no."
That would be what satan would scream when he hears "Marana tha."
Would suggest you consider asking your primary physician to examine
you for "cancer of unknown origin" if you unwisely choose to put off
surrendering to HIM by not soon publicly declaring with your own mouth
that "Jesus is LORD:"
Sounds like blackmail to me.
Andrew Chung's theology in a nutshell: "If you don't declare thatObserve satan's attempt to possess Bob Pastorio's soul by using Kate
Oh, look. Chung is gloating over another's misfortune.
Moreover, Bob Pastorio's condition is not one arising from misfortune
but one arising from hatred's deleterious effects.
with Christ Jesus to become a new creature in HIM daily.
How Satanic.
Praying for satan's defeat is quite the opposite.Truth is simple.
Would suggest you consider asking your primary physician to examine
you for "cancer of unknown origin" if you unwisely choose to put off
surrendering to HIM by not soon publicly declaring with your own mouth
that "Jesus is LORD:"
Jesus is Lord, then you're going to get cancer."
Corollary: "You'll get cancer because I'll stop praying for you. As
well, your heart will stop beating for the same reason. THIS VICTORY
BELONGS TO JESUS CHRIST !!! Laus Deo !!! Maran atha !!!".
Augustine of Hippo this Dr. Chung certainly is not.
The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
All-Seeing All-Knowing Glorious Emperor for Life, Meow [Ret.]
The Webcenter Museum:
auk: Diamond Hammer of Thor 1999
aavf3: mhm21x20
The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
All-Seeing All-Knowing Glorious Emperor for Life, Meow [Ret.]
The Webcenter Museum:
auk: Diamond Hammer of Thor 1999
aavf3: mhm21x20